据韩媒Thelec 近日报道,三星电子多家零部件合作伙伴透露,今年即将发布的Galaxy Z Flip 7 铰链第一供应商是环力智能,第二供应商是KH Vatech,其中第一供应商可以获得总量的70%以上份额。环力智能也是去年发布的 Z Flip 6 铰链的第二家供应商,但其市场份额超过了50%。
与此同时,KH Vatech 铰链业务的不确定性有所增加。去年发布的三星电子 Galaxy Z Flip 6 的铰链第一家供应商是 KH Vatech,但一半以上的铰链产量都交给了环力智能。
△ 三星 Galaxy Z Flip 6 主要部件构成
KH Vatech 在三星电子书本型可折叠手机Galaxy Z Fold系列的铰链方面仍然占据上风。即使在去年发布的 Z Fold 6 中,KH Vatech 也是第一家铰链供应商,S-Connect 提供了一些 Z Fold 6 铰链,但数量很少。
在KH Vatech看来,如果三星电子的可折叠手机出货量不增加,铰链市场份额下降,该业务的盈利能力将会恶化。据了解,KH Vatech 铰链业务的盈亏平衡点销量为 7 至 800 万件。
此外,三星电子的可折叠手机出货量低于预期,对于进军铰链市场的Fine M-Tec 来说也不是什么好消息。Fine M-Tec去年获得了为Galaxy Z Flip 6量产铰链的批准,但有消息称,由于产品销量不佳,Fine M-Tec获得的铰链数量有限。
Fine M-Tec预计将利用这一机会在铰链生产线上生产其他产品,例如为三星电子 Galaxy Buds 外壳供应支架铰链。(Fine M-Tec是一家为三星电子可折叠手机供应背板(屏幕支撑板)而闻名的公司。)
Aibang Southeast Asia New Materials Forum
2025年 4月9日 越南(河内及周边)
April 9th 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam
1. 市场趋势分析:
● 越南塑料行业的现状与未来趋势
Current status and future trends of the Vietnam plastics industry
● 东南亚塑料市场的全球定位与竞争力分析
Global positioning and competitiveness analysis of the Southeast Asian plastics market
Technology and Innovation:
Applications and development of high-performance engineering plastics
Sustainable production technologies and the circular economy in the plastics industry
Innovative solutions for consumer electronics materials
Extrusion Machinery in the Vietnamese Market: Driving the Future of Manufacturing
Future Injection Molding Factories: The New Era of All-Electric and Automation
Advanced Surface Treatment Technologies and Equipment in 3C Consumer Electronics
Policy Environment and Factory Investment:
● Vietnamese government support policies for plastics and related industries
Current status of China-Vietnam trade relations and their impact on the plastics industry
● Sustainable development of plastics factories
Raw Materials and Additives Supply Chain:
Building an efficient China-Vietnam plastics industry supply chain
Chinese plastics additives enterprises aiding the high-quality development of Vietnam's plastics
Market Entry and Risk Management:
Strategies and operational guidelines for entering the Vietnamese market
Risk assessment and management practices in Vietnam
Case Studies and Upstream-Downstream Integration:
Case studies of successful Chinese enterprises establishing factories in Vietnam
Investment and cooperation case analysis of the Vietnam plastics industry
Dialogue between Chinese and Vietnamese entrepreneurs and policymakers
● 探讨如何通过政策和市场力量推动行业的可持续发展
Discussion on promoting sustainable industry development through policies and market forces
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原文始发于微信公众号(艾邦智造资讯):环力智能将成为三星 Galaxy Z Flip 7 铰链第一供应商