其中,在手机及其他消费电子业务领域,携手惠州硕贝德新材料技术有限公司成立惠州市硕匠科技发展有限公司,联合 OPPO、VIVO、华为等企业,成功攻克手机产品的5G-A信号增益式玻璃纤维外壳表面处理工艺,现已定型生产。
沛霖数控的3D 光学压差转写工艺(Multi-dimensional Aerodynamic Optical Transfer,MAOT),采用超真空压差绿色装饰成型机和3D压差光学转写复合材料,特别适用于大深度大角度 3D4R 产品表面和立体且不规则产品表面装饰,实现3D压差转写技术,使图纹显影在工件表面上,可取代喷涂、电镀等传统工艺,实现仿金属拉丝、电镀等效果,达到高标准3D炫彩视觉和触觉优质体验,实现全自动化、全绿色化生产。
Aibang Southeast Asia New Materials Forum
2025年 4月9日 越南(河内及周边)
April 9th 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam
1. 市场趋势分析:
● 越南塑料行业的现状与未来趋势
Current status and future trends of the Vietnam plastics industry
● 东南亚塑料市场的全球定位与竞争力分析
Global positioning and competitiveness analysis of the Southeast Asian plastics market
Technology and Innovation:
Applications and development of high-performance engineering plastics
Sustainable production technologies and the circular economy in the plastics industry
Innovative solutions for consumer electronics materials
Extrusion Machinery in the Vietnamese Market: Driving the Future of Manufacturing
Future Injection Molding Factories: The New Era of All-Electric and Automation
Advanced Surface Treatment Technologies and Equipment in 3C Consumer Electronics
Policy Environment and Factory Investment:
● Vietnamese government support policies for plastics and related industries
Current status of China-Vietnam trade relations and their impact on the plastics industry
● Sustainable development of plastics factories
Raw Materials and Additives Supply Chain:
Building an efficient China-Vietnam plastics industry supply chain
Chinese plastics additives enterprises aiding the high-quality development of Vietnam's plastics
Market Entry and Risk Management:
Strategies and operational guidelines for entering the Vietnamese market
Risk assessment and management practices in Vietnam
Case Studies and Upstream-Downstream Integration:
Case studies of successful Chinese enterprises establishing factories in Vietnam
Investment and cooperation case analysis of the Vietnam plastics industry
Dialogue between Chinese and Vietnamese entrepreneurs and policymakers
● 探讨如何通过政策和市场力量推动行业的可持续发展
Discussion on promoting sustainable industry development through policies and market forces
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